Latest Episodes

Making Disciples: Solo Episode
Making Disciples. It's one of the commands of Jesus but not one that most Christians follow. Today we are looking at a simple, effective...

Freedom is Found in Hard Work - Makenna Romero
I love hearing people's life stories and especially the life stories of entrepreneurs. Makenna Romero shares her journey of hard work leading to freedom. ...

Leading with Generosity and Gratitude - James Kwon
James Kwon, CEO of sharing his story of starting a freelance business that moved into a full-service agency and now runs multiple businesses...

The Indiana Jones of Social Entrepreneurship - Evan "Coach K" Kubick
Coach K has been involved in social entrepreneurship on multiple continents and 10 countries. He has a framework that is helpful if you are...

Connecting Cultures Through Beauty - Liv shares about her adventure launching her own Business as Mission project
Liv Steffen and her husband Brett Launched Liv Thai to Connect Cultures Through Beauty. They were part of a Business as Mission startup in...

Bob Brown - Wearing Your Faith on Your Sleeve
Bob Brown talks about his business journey in buying and selling 20 companies and leading his business, American Asphalt Company, as a Christian CEO.